A Bushel of Brooks

A Bushel of Brooks
Us as we are ...

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Heavyweight = )

Matthias is on track as the biggest Brooks boy yet. The kid just looks solid. He starts the day of fairly normal looking, but by bedtime, he is rocking a big 'ole belly! = ) Makes us laugh. He wasn't born the biggest - Reuben was - but he definitely has surpassed his brothers.

Since we don't have traditional insurance, he hasn't been to the doctor for a well child check in awhile for me to see his growth curve or get percentages from them, but I put him on the scale in the weight room a few days ago, and it read 26 lbs. even. According to an online percentile calculator, that puts him between the 50th and 75 percentile range. The other boys were lucky to get above the 10th percentile range ANY time in their history 3 years and under! I looked back at their baby books, and although I don't have a weight recorded for 16 months, I have them both recorded around 24.4 lbs. at 18 months. By 18 months, Matthias is likely to be at least a pound heavier than now at the rate this child is going!

He is a mover and climber. Yes, my other boys could climb, but they weren't so nearly inclined. He regularly climbs their bunkbed ladder, has fallen off it, and still continues to climb it. And a couple days ago, he realized he could easily climb up onto the dining room table. Um, that is where we would stick everything we didn't want those little hands to get a hold of. Meaning NOTHING IS SAFE. If this child wants it, he is finding ways to get it.

And then he gives this big 'ole grin and runs over and squeezes my leg with glee when he sees me. Ahhhhhh, can't stay frustrated long with him! He keeps me on my toes all day long, this one does!

Brooks Boys: all around 16 months old

Mr. Matthias hard at work

Seeing this little face made me smile ... Jonah - how is he already six years old?

And working to get a smile from Reuben, who was always more serious than the others ...

1 comment:

  1. Jonah had so much hair! :) Love those little guys so much!
