A Bushel of Brooks

A Bushel of Brooks
Us as we are ...

Friday, June 28, 2013


With our busy week coming to a close, my boys have had later bedtimes than usual. Granted, it stays light outside so much longer right now! It is hard to stick fast to our inbedby8:30 plan for them. But, when we do ... things are much better the next day! But, this week that did not always happen, and so by yesterday, Reuben was a bit of a train wreck. Not only did he have late bedtimes, but several mornings, he was up before 7, which was just not enough sleep for him.

I told him yesterday he had to lay down for a rest time. He was not happy about it. Came into my room, muttering "I do not like your rules, Mommy". I had him lay down on my bed with me, so that Jonah and his cousin could use the boys' room to play in. He was upset, and after a few more whines, finally lay silently beside, frown on his face, blankie in one hand, Hero Factory in the other.

But things can change so quickly ... suddenly: "Mommy? Do you know why I picked this Hero Factory instead of Thor?" (they had gone to Legoland last week with Eli). He proceeded to explain his choice to me in great detail, apparently forgetting that my rules had infringed upon his little desires to play with Jonah.

Then, silence again for awhile. I rubbed his back, hoping for sleep to overtake him. And then, "I don't ever have to go back?" (go back???? again, his mind can jump to something else so quickly!)"Go back to where, Reuben?" "Go back to preschool. I don't have to go back, right?" "No, you're going to do preschool homeschool, like Jonah. Can you be a good student for Mommy and obey when she instructs you?" "Oh yes, Mommy." His little hand circles in the air, "And I will circle the chickens when you tell me to circle the chickens." (guessing at some point last year in preschool there was some circling of chickens going on ...)

Rubbed his back some more. This time silence led to slumber.


I have spent quite a bit of time today cleaning for our open house tomorrow. Trying to keep my chin up and my faith that the house WILL sell in the right now. The honest truth is: I would like that time to be now! So we'll see ... Eli, the boys and I all prayed that the "right people will find our house" tomorrow (or heck, that "some" people will even just come through the open house!). The house smells like lemon, much of clutter got put where it belongs, and I am ready to fall into bed. = )

Jonah went with Grandma to the library, but my homebody of a middle child wanted to stay home with Mommy, even if that meant lots of helping to clean things up. He was more than happy to mop (a favorite chore),

And once he finished all that I asked him to do, I gave him a little treat before turning on the sprinkler in the backyard for him to run through. Goodness, I just love this kid!

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