A Bushel of Brooks

A Bushel of Brooks
Us as we are ...

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Quinoa Protein Bites

I have been eying a recipe for Protein Quinoa Bars on www.skinnyms.com for awhile now. But, I kept putting off trying it because I would need to cook my quinoa in advance, and I would need to have dates on hand. Both of which didn't seem to happen ... because I tend to suddenly want to make things RIGHT NOW. And then I would forget when making a grocery list to put things on there, in advance for my urge to make them.

But Monday I finally picked up dates. And cooked my quinoa so it could chill. Pulled out the ingredients yesterday and made the bars. I made them into little protein balls with chocolate chips in them. Yum yum yum. I've yet to convince my nay-sayer hubby to try them (the non-quinoa person in our household), but I think I will get him to soon! The recipe is so simple if you have what you need, and own a food processor. It came together in a few minutes, and my little Matthias helper was great at pushing buttons to turn the machine on and off!

Protein Quinoa Balls (from skinnyms)

16 pitted dates
1/2 c. whole raw almonds
1/3 c. peanut butter
1/3 dried quinoa (cooked with 2/3 c. water and chilled ahead of time)
handful of chocolate chips

All my mush blended together
 *Blend dates in food processor until they form into a ball. Remove into separate bowl. Pulse almonds in food processor until chopped finely - not into an almond meal!. Add quinoa, peanut butter, and dates back into food processor and pulse until mixed together. Dump back into bowl and add chocolate chips (if desired) and roll into balls. Yum!

Ummmmmmm, chocolate makes it all so good!

Balled up, in a container, ready to keep in the fridge for post-workouts or a quick snack!

1 comment:

  1. Looks yummy and easy to make. I will definitely make it today! Thank you! Elisa.
